Car Hacks and Mods For Dummies by David VespremiSo you want to turn your Yugo into a Viper? Sorry--you need a certified magician. But if you want to turn your sedate sedan into a mean machine or your used car lot deal into a powerful, purring set of wheels, you've come to the right place. Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies will get you turbo-charged up about modifying your car and guide you smoothly through:* Choosing a car to mod* Considering warranties, legal, and safety issues* Hacking the ECU (Engine Control Unit) to adjust performance-enhancing factors like fuel injection, firing the spark plugs, controlling the cooling fan, and more* Replacing your ECU with a plug and play system such as the APEXi Power FC or the AEM EMS system* Putting on the brakes (the faster you go, the faster you'll need to stop)* Setting up your car for better handling and cornering Written by David Vespremi, automotive expert, frequent guest on national car-related TV shows, track driving instructor and self-proclaimed modder, Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies gets you into the ECU and under the hood and gives you the keys to:* Choosing new wheels, including everything from the basics to dubs and spinners* Putting your car on a diet, because lighter means faster* Basic power bolt-ons and more expensive power adders* Installing roll bars and cages to enhance safety* Adding aero add-ons, including front "chin" spoilers, real spoilers, side skirts, and canards* Detailing, down to the best cleaners and waxes and cleaning under the hood* Using OBD (on-board diagnostics) for troubleshooting* Getting advice from general Internet sites and specific message boards and forums for your car's make or model, whether it's a Chevy pick-up or an Alfa Romeo roadster Whether you want to compete at drag strips or on road courses or simply accelerate faster on an interstate ramp, if you want to improve your car's performance, Car Hacks & Mods for Dummies is just the boost you need. Integracar tries to make available a broad variety of maintenance guides. Unfortunately workshop manuals can be designed for so many different countries and the vehicles produced for those nations. So not all workshop manuals may be acceptable for your specific car. If you have any questions whether or not a individual service manual is perfect for your car please get in contact with us here Car Hacks and Mods For Dummies by David Vespremi |
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