MG MGA, MGB GT 1955 - 1968 (Glovebox) Owners Service Repair Manual is a Compact, A5 size manual in the Glovebox series.Covers the following models: MGA 1955 - 1959 MGA 1600, MGA 1600 MK2 1959 - 1962 MGA Twin Cam 1958 MGB 1962 - 1968 MGB MGB GT 1965 - 1968Contents: Engine. Fuel System. Ingition System. Cooling System. Clutch. Gearbox. Propeller Shaft, Rear Axle Rear Suspension. Front Suspension Hubs. Steering System. Braking System. Electrical System. Wiring Diagram for MGA 1500. Wiring Diagram for MGA 1600 Also for MGA Twin Cam from Chassis Numbers 2913 Tourer and 2292 Coupe. Wiring Diagram for MGA Twin Cam up to Chassis Numbers 2192 Tourer and 2291 Coupe RHD and LHD. Wiring Diagram for MGB Early Cars. Wiring Diagram for MGB Later Cars. Bodywork.Part Number OWM 955. Information on Repair and Service Manuals Note that repair manuals are normally produced for models sold in a particular country. Differences in specification can exist between models sold in different countries and items such as installed engines can differ. Please check that the manual will cover your model before purchase and if you need more detail please contact us here. . |