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Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook

Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook

Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook by Earl Davis

This is a complete guide to selecting, installing, and tuning forced-induction fuel/air systems. Everything involved with these systems will be covered, including assessing power goals, component selection, engine preparation, tools, installation procedures, tuning, vehicle modifications, driveability, and sources. Integracar attempts to give you a wide spectrum of servicing guides. Then again maintenance manuals could well be put together for several different nations and the vehicles produced for those countries. That is why not all owners manuals may be fitting for your specific vehicle. If you have queries whether a specific service manual is eligible for your vehicle please get in touch with us here

Supercharging, Turbocharging and Nitrous Oxide Performance Handbook by Earl Davis

Retail: $64.95
On Sale: $61.95
You Save: 5%
Stock Info: Ships in 6-11 business days
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