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The Gentleman's Guide to Motoring

The Gentleman's Guide to Motoring

The Gentleman's Guide to Motoring by Vic Darkwood

This hilarious take on motoring from the AA offers advice on every conceivable aspect of motoring - from the desirability of lashings of chrome, to wooing with the aid of an automobile; from the power politics of the road, to dealing with passenger flatulence. The Gentleman's Guide to Motoring is a comprehensive guide to gentlemanly driving, from the essentials of delegating the maintenance of your vehicle, to the etiquette of the road; from advice on dealing with authority, to suggestions for improvements to the current system of road signage; from a handy identifying guide to species of fellow motorist, to ways of blagging your driving test.

The Gentleman's Guide to Motoring by Vic Darkwood

Stock Info: Out of Print
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