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Ford Ranger (Courier/Mazda) Pick ups 1993-2011 Haynes Repair Manual

Ford Ranger (Courier/Mazda) Pick ups 1993-2011 Haynes Repair Manual

Ford Ranger, Mazda Pick-up Truck Petrol 1993 - 2011 Haynes Owners Service & Repair Manual covers all 1993-2010 Ford Ranger pick-up trucks, and 1994-2009 Mazda B2300, B2500, B3000 and B4000 pick-up trucks (equivalent of Australian market Ford Courier and Mazda Bravo however the US Ford Ranger is bigger than the Ford Courier/Ranger and Mazda B-series models sold in Australia.).

* Introduction: Vehicle Identification Numbers; Buying Parts; Maintenance Techniques, And More.
* Tune-Up And Routine Maintenance
* Single Overhead Camshaft (SOHC) 4-Cylinder Engine
* Dual Overhead Camshaft (DOHC) 4-Cylinder Engine
* 3.0 litre V6 Engine
* 4.0 litre Pushrod V6 Engine
* 4.0 litre SOHC V6 Engine
* Engine And Overhaul Procedures
* Cooling, Heating And Air-Conditioning Systems
* Fuel And Exhaust Systems
* Engine Electrical Systems
* Emissions Control Systems
* Transmission (Manual And Automatic)
* Transfer Case
* Clutch And Drivetrain
* Brakes
* Suspension And Steering Systems
* Body
* Chassis Electrical System
* Wiring Diagrams

Haynes repair manuals can save you money on maintenance and repair bills. Step-by-step procedures and illustrations guide you through every job, from basic maintenance and troubleshooting, to complete teardown and rebuild.

Our Price: $99.56
Stock Info: Ships in 6-11 business days
$8.95 shipping Australia-wide
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