Automotive Science and Mathematics by Allan W. M. BonnickAutomotive technicians and students need a firm grasp of science and technology in order to fully appreciate and understand how mechanisms and systems of modern vehicles work. "Automotive Science and Mathematics" presents the necessary principles and applications with all the examples and exercises relating directly to motor vehicle technology and repair, making it easy for automotive students and apprentices to relate the theory back to their working practice. The coverage of this book is based on the syllabus requirements of the BTEC First in Vehicle Technology, BTEC National in Vehicle Repair and Technology, and the IMI Certificate and Diploma in Vehicle Maintenance and Repair, but will help all automotive students and apprentices at levels 2 and 3 and up to and including HNC/HND, foundation and first degree with their studies and in achieving the Key Skill 'Application of Number' at levels 2 and 3.The book is designed to cater for both light and heavy vehicle courses. Full worked solutions of most exercises are available as a free download for lecturers. Allan Bonnick is a motor vehicle education and training consultant and was formerly Head of Motor Vehicle Engineering, Eastbourne College. He is the author of several established automotive engineering textbooks. All examples and exercises are firmly rooted in real-world automotive practice. It fully covers BTEC First, BTEC National and IMI Certificate and Diploma syllabus requirements for mathematics and science and is endorsed by IMI. Full worked solutions to exercises are available to lecturers as a free download. Integracar attempts to have a sizeable diversity of owners manuals. Bear in mind repair manuals can sometimes be manufactured for many kinds of nations and the motor vehicles delivered for those countries. For this reason not all workshop manuals may be applicable for your individual car. If you have any concerns whether a individual repair manual is best for your automobile do not hesitate to e-mail us here Automotive Science and Mathematics by Allan W. M. Bonnick |
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